
Publishing Today Radio: New show launches May 2, 2015 10-11AM PST


The  first  show will be all about THE POWER OF STORY, but the following 12 weeks will include everything from publishing myths and straight talk, to branding and marketing. A key segment of the show will be called “Ask Athena” where I’ll answer your questions about publishing and everything related. I’d also love to steer the show based on publishing topics you want to hear about. Please comment below with your ideas and feedback. I am so excited to jump back into radio again after taking a year off from Always Faithful ( My goal is to provide a resource for those who want to learn all they can about this changing industry!

11 thoughts on “Publishing Today Radio: New show launches May 2, 2015 10-11AM PST

  1. In today’s publishing world, how should a writer, especially a new writer, make decisions about trying to get their book accepted by a publisher (for instance how long should they try this), versus doing it themselves in Kindle?


  2. Is it necessary to hire an agent to get into a publishing house? Can my book make it in the Christian/non-fictional genre without going through a publisher? I had sent my first book to several agents with no replay. I finally went through a Christian Publisher (who I paid). They did a great job. But now that my second book is nearly finished and I’m aware of the process I would rather NOT pay and either go through an agent, straight to a publisher, or self-publish. What are the odds any of these will work for me?


    • Hi Karen. The show next Saturday, (May 16) will discuss the questions you raise…we’ll have 3 agents on and they will be answering many of the questions you raise…be sure to listen in!


  3. Sounds like a great show, Athena! Children’s publishing seems in many ways a different animal than any other genre. Will your program be addressing issues pertaining particularly to children’s publishing? Picture books, interactive e-picture books, mainstream middle-grade fiction and Christian middle-grade fiction (ages 8-12), YA Christian and mainstream–each category seems to have its own path for getting noticed, agented, published, and promoted. It gets kind of mind-boggling!


      • Athena, I would be happy to talk about children’s book options. I have a traditionally published book out, but I also have a middle grade historical fiction that I self-published after a successful Kickstarter campaign. Currently I am in the final stage of publishing a full color children’s book that I wrote several years ago and got the rights back. It comes down to MARKETING..and knowing who you audience is.


  4. I would love to hear some guidelines as to how soon an aspiring author should set up an author webpage with their own domain name, what are some recommendations for populating the page (what to write about) and how “much” webpage is needed (there are so many different options to purchase). Thank you


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